I think about my Brother-in-law frequently. His life has been one big challenge after another. He was born with Cerebral Palsy, and had various disorders associated with that. At one point he developed Crohn’s disease and spent 6 months in the hospital. There seems to have been very little with which he did not have to manage. But, he graduated from college and went on to a full career with the government. He married and raised a child. Through it all he has been upbeat, friendly and his faith grew stronger with each challenge. He is a source of strength and admiration, and I wonder sometimes how he keeps going.
We are trying to keep this retelling of our story upbeat and show you what we have learned throughout the process. But do not misunderstand. It has not always been Roses and Rainbows. It has been a struggle from day 1.
My walk with God has been fairly new. I have always believed, but I thought that was enough. It has only been through this battle that I have come to understand that to say the words is not enough. You must live the word, and share it with others.
I was baptized 3 times in my life. As a baby, which some say is more of a dedication or christening. As a young child, though I was only doing what my Mother told me to do. Then a couple of years ago. I asked God to help me because I needed his guidance and direction for my own health battle I was facing. This also came just before Hubby’s heart attacks. The timing was extraordinary.
The baptism was life-changing for me. I could feel it immediately. I adjusted my life accordingly and spent a great many hours studying the bible. It wasn’t but a few months later that the journey with Hubby’s health began. God knew what I needed, when I needed it most.
I don’t want anyone to think that I feel I am in sync with God at all times. I am not. I also struggle with following his rules. I backslide daily in one way or another. But I feel that if I can recognize it, and honestly want to change that behavior, then God will be pleased with me and help me along.
Hubby has been walking with God longer than I, but I think he battles these trials as well. We argue, sometimes a lot. The overwhelming amount of medication he is on affect his moods, thereby affecting mine. Not knowing from day to day, or even minute to minute, what could happen with him is staggering.
These are the mental challenges. There are also physical challenges. Hubby cannot do what he was able to do in previous years. Now I must pick up the slack. I have my own physical challenges that I must put on the back burner for now. I have even canceled all of my health appointments to make time for his.
However, mental and physical challenges can be dealt with. Knowing that Satan is waging a spiritual battle all around is the most difficult part to overcome.
There are all kinds of people in the world. Good people are the majority. They truly want you to succeed and be blessed. There are also not-so-good people who seem to live with a pessimistic view of the world. They are not evil. They have just never learned to trust their fellow man.
The people you have to watch out for, however, are the ones who may not know they are working for Satan. There are demons in this world and they are here to lead you away from Christ. We call them haters.
You will run across many haters in life. People who relish the thought of misfortune enveloping you. Someone that will smile while they taunt you. People who constantly spew negative comments and never say anything good or positive. They discourage you from finding productive solutions.
These are all haters that are being controlled by Satan. This is part of the Spiritual Warfare that we all battle regularly. Some examples of what I have endured include:
Someone walked up to me one day, asking about Hubby’s health. After a short update, he commented that it must be very hard for me. Then he began to laugh before he walked away.
I get comments that I deserve what is happening because of “Karma.” If I had just agreed with the majority (or them) then life would have probably been easier.
A man professing to be a Pastor actually told me that prayers for someone to get whatever negative they deserve are legitimate, biblical prayers.
Being told by another Pastor that I shouldn’t be allowed around other Christians.
Just a few examples, but powerful nonetheless. Satan knows how to manipulate people. He knows how to agitate and push your buttons. He brings the hatred out and gets the crowd to call it good.
These attacks focus on your support system. If you don’t have family and friends to support you, you are more likely to fail. Satan knows this. He wants to keep you alone and feeling abandoned.
I fight this battle every day. I have to open my Bible and get encouragement. Sometimes that is the only place I can find it.
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. ~Ephesians 6:11
Thank you for sharing. You are in my prayers.
Thanks. Don't ever give up. I was in the hospital from the end of March one year until April 22nd ❤️❤️